Saturday, September 12, 2009

some nasty photos of a cunt

Here are a few photos cunt had to take of itself. cunt is also working on some videos. cunt will soon have lots and lots of humiliating and nasty videos and photos circulating the internet.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Punishment of a cunt . . .

A couple of months ago this worthless cunt was claimed by its current owner. Cunt subsequently ran away from its owner but has recently come back. Master has graciously allowed this cunt to continue serving Him however cunt must be punished. Because cunt not only ran away from Master but took pleasure from anyone who could have wanted to watch it on cunts webcam Master has decided to allow others to punish cunt.

The day for cunts punishment by others has been set for this Sunday (09-13-09) from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (CST). Those wishing to punish this cunt must respectfully contact its Owner PranaDevil and ask for the opportunity. Time slots will be filled on a first come first serve basis. The maximum time one person will be allowed to punish this cunt is one hour. You may contact PranaDevil by either posting a comment to this entry or by sending him a message on his fetlife account. Include in the message the time of the day that best suits you for administering cunts punishment. If there happens to be an overwhelming amount of applicants to punish cunt then Master may open up part of Saturday for cunts punishment.

Cunts calendar can be viewed here If you click on Sunday you can see the times cunt is being punished.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cunt is back. . .

It's been awhile since cunt updated this page. Cunt kind of dissappeared from its owner because it was overwhelmed with the lifestyle that it was being made to live. However cunt missed the harsh treatment and the life of an owned cunt so it came back to its owner. He graciously allowed this nasty cunt to begin serving him again though there will be punishment for running away. This is going to be a short blog but cunt just wanted to post and say that from now on there will be regular postings with pictures and video and cunt is on its webcam on yahoo (openusedmeat is the nic) naked during most evenings and even some days as well.